
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS)
Maria Curie-Skłodowska Sq. 5
+4881 537 54 10
Bus 13 or trolleybus 150 from the railway station , buses  10,  18 ,  31,  57 from the main bus station

Faculties: biology and Earth science, law and administration, mathematics, physics and computer science, humanities, economics, chemistry, pedagogy and psychology, philosophy and sociology, political science, arts

Medical University of Lublin (UM)
al. Racławickie 1
+4881 53 200 61
near Saski Garden, bus 13 or trolleybus 150 from the railway station , buses  10,  18 ,  31,  57 from the main bus station

You can study in one of the universities in Lublin. It's possible in all public high schools thanks to international cooperation e.g. Socrates-Erasmus:

Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)
al. Racławickie 14
near Saski Garden and UMCS, bus 13 or trolleybus 150 from the railway station , buses  10,  18 ,  31,  57 from the main bus station

Faculties: theology, philosophy, law, canon law and administration, humanities, social science, mathematics and natural science

Agricultural University of Lublin (UP)
Akademicka St. 13
+4881 445 66 77
southern part of the university campus, bus 11 from Main Bus Station

faculties: agriculture, horticulture, veterinary medicine, biology and animal breeding, production engineering, food sciences and biotechnology

Lublin University of Technology
Nadbystrzycka St. 38d
+4881 53 84 719
on the bank of Bystrzyca River, bus 39 from Main Bus Station

faculties: civil and sanitary engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, environmental engineering, management and fundamentals of technology, mechanical engineering


There are 8 cinemas in Lublin. The biggest - Cinema City - has 8 screens located in Galeria Plaza, Lipowa 13 Street. Single normal ticket pln 16-20Alternative cinema "Bajka" pron. Bayka, only one screen, but has often sophisticated repertoire, located at Radziszewskiego Street.Single normal ticket pln 12, in Mondays PLN 10.


Jagiellonian Fair

(http://www.jarmarkjagiell...) polish, english, ukrainian,

Lublin - City of Inspiration

( - full schedule of main events in the city, available in polish, english, ukrainian belarussian and spanish, but event section is the most complete in polish, less in english and ukrainian, and only basis information are in the rest versions.

International Lublin Meetings of Theater of Dance

miä™dzynarodowe lubelskie spotkania teatrã³w taå„ca, (http://www.dancefestival....), november

International Days of Documentary Movies "Bifurcation of Europe"

miä™dzynarodowe dni filmu dokumentalnego "rozstaje europy", (http://www.rozstaje.ack.l...), march

Festival of Theater "Neighbors"

festiwal teatralny "sä„siedzi", (http://www.festiwal-sasie...), june

Open City

Festival of art in public spaces - (,

International Festival of Theater "Confrontation"

miä™dzynarodowy festiwal teatralny "konfrontacje", (, may

Lublin Juggling Carnival

( polish, german, english,

European Festival of Taste

(http://www.europejskifest...) translator enabled

Festival of Fashion "Provocations"

festiwal "prowokacje", (

International Folk Meetings

miä™dzynarodowe spotkania folklorystyczne im. ignacego wachowiaka

Culture Night



UMCS Botanic Garden
Sławinkowska St. 3
+4881 537 55 40
5.00zł / students, children: 2.50zł
April and September: 9am-6pm, Sat. and Sun. 10am-6pm; May and Aug. 9am-7pm, Sat. and Sun. 10am-7pm; June and July 9am-8pm, Sun. and Sat. 10am-8pm; Oct.-March 9am-5pm, Sat. and Sun. 10am-5pm
near road to Warsaw and Skansen Museum; bus no. 5 , 18 or 20
Zemborzycki Lake

Artificial lake, some restaurants and bars. it is possible to rent a boat or water skis.

Saxonian Garden

ogrã³d saski, in the city center, near kfc restaurant


Ośrodek Sportowy-Rekreacyjny RELAND
From city center by bus take no.  40   or the special summer lines  ''Marina''  or  ''Dabrova''
+4881 745 63 43
Mon.-Fri. 28.00zł/hour; Weekends 32.00zł/hour

Water skiing.

Klub Tornado
+48 503 483 711
every day: 8am-8pm
